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Ultra-Poly has developed a track record for working closely with its customers to help them reduce cost and increase efficiencies by developing customized programs that meet their specific needs.

Custom Compound Development

We develop custom compounds for our customers. We ensure the exact material for your business needs through our development lab and scientists along with a world class facility, logistics, and engineering team.

Toll Processing

With toll processing, Ultra-Poly takes plant scrap and turns it into high quality pellets that can we put back into your processes. Owning our own fleet of trucks allows us to get products and materials where it needs to be for customers.

Embedded Tolling

Our clients do not have to worry about capital investments to implement Ultra-Poly embedded toll processing activities. We help businesses in the plastics industry by improving efficiencies, lowering costs, while elevating a business from having to manage reclaim lines.


Average miles annually traveled by truck fleet


Pounds recycled annually for toll customers


Average number of custom products created each year

Logistics or Tolling Needs?

We are experts in logistics and toll processing. Have a problem that needs solving?  Contact us for more information about our services.